Power Your Journey from Home – Discover the Future of Mobility with EV Chargers

Embrace the eco-friendly shift to electric vehicles with seamless home charging solutions by Organ Mountain Solar & Electric. Located in the heart of Las Cruces, we are your neighbors dedicated to electrifying your drive, one charger at a time.

Why Choose an EV Charger at Home?

- Convenience of Charging at Home
- Increase Your Home's Value
- Ready for the Future of Transportation

Our Services:

- Expert Installation by Certified Electricians
- Comprehensive Maintenance for Peak Performance
- Personalized Solutions to Fit Your Lifestyle

Charge on your schedule, enhance property value, and support sustainable living.

Our Technical Advisors are here to help you choose the perfect fit for your vehicle and lifestyle.

Your home EV charger is designed to be low-maintenance, but periodic checks by a professional can ensure its longevity and safety. Organ Mountain Solar & Electric offers maintenance services to keep your charger in top condition, including inspection of cables, connectors, and the charging unit to ensure everything is functioning correctly and safely.

As pioneers in the region for EV charging solutions, we offer unmatched expertise and a commitment to community and integrity.

EV Charger Service Request

Ready to electrify your home? Contact us for a free quote and embark on a greener path with your trusted Las Cruces neighbors

Organ Mountain Solar & Electric



400 S. Compress Ste. D
Las Cruces, NM 88005

Locations Served In Southern New Mexico

Las Cruces – Office & Warehouse

Alamogordo | Alto | Anthony | Berino | Chamberino | Cloudcroft | Deming | Hatch | High Rolls | Lordsburg | Mesquite | Ruidoso | Santa Teresa | Silver City | Sunland Park | Truth or Consequences | Vado

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